Improving planning and supporting our environment

I care passionately about preserving our beautiful landscapes, villages and towns.

We need a planning system that empowers communities and local councillors, to ensure development is done in the right places.

We do need to build more houses and I want to see a system that does all we can to achieve people’s consent to this, so they are part of the process and not an afterthought.

I wrote a planning policy paper in 2018, 'Green, pleasant and affordable, which can be found by following the link here

Alongside this, I have supported a number of initiatives to help safeguard our planet and environment. This is something I feel strongly about and will continue to champion both locally and in Westminster.


Neil welcomes housing algorithm rejection

Neil O'Brien, MP for Harborough, Oadby & Wigston has welcomed the news that the proposed housing algorithm to determine housing targets across the country, has been rejected. Please find further information here: 

Planning and House Building debate

Neil O'Brien, MP for Harborough, Oadby & Wigston spoke in the Planning and House Building debate in Parliament on 8th October 2020. During the debate, Neil spoke about the need for a fairer allocation of new houses and the need for better use of brownfield sites in cities like Leicester.

Neil objects to 400 house Kibworths application

Planning ref 18/01260/OUT: Land south of Wistow Road, Kibworth Harcourt I write to object to this planning application, which is contrary to the adopted Local Plan. The Kibworths have already met their housing allocation, due to previously approved developments.

Neil hosts plastic workshop in Oadby

Neil O’Brien, MP for Harborough, Oadby & Wigston, led a workshop in Oadby which was attended by over 50 people, exploring the importance of reducing our reliance on single-use plastics. The session was delivered by Leicestershire County Council and local Rotary Clubs, hosted by the Trinity Meth

Neil supports 'reduce your plastics' event

Neil O’Brien, MP for Harborough, attended and introduced the ‘Reduce your plastic event’ on Friday 26th July in Market Harborough, to spread awareness of the damage caused by single-use plastics. The event was organised in partnership with VASL, Leicestershire County Council, Eco-Church and Harboro

MP meets Harborough climate change activists in Parliament

Neil O’Brien, MP for Harborough, met with local climate change activists from Harborough in Parliament, as part of the recent ‘the time is now’ action day. As part of the action day, thousands of activists from across the country came to Westminster to lobby their MPs on the importance of taking ac

Neil discusses planning paper with new Housing Minister

Neil O’Brien, MP for Harborough, Oadby and Wigston has presented his housing paper to new Housing Minister, Kit Malthouse MP. The housing paper titled ‘Green, Pleasant and Affordable’ was written by Neil O’Brien MP and published by new think-tank Onward, proposes a series of reforms to the current

Neil launches new housing and planning paper in Parliament

Neil O'Brien, MP for Harborough, Oadby and Wigston, launched a new paper titled 'Green, pleasant and affordable' in Parliament on Monday 25th June 2018. The paper explored a new approach to supply and demand to solve Britain's housing problem, and was published as part of the work of the new think